
Stress tests and their importance for Solvency

17 of March 2023

πŸŽ“ Recently Mark mentioned an interesting thesis topic β€œhow to destroy shareholder value”, which was successfully defended at Nyenrode Business University. Many of us were probably wondering if a thesis topic “how to create shareholder value” was more beneficial. 🚦 However, the next [...]

Alternative Investments Manager module of SimCorp Dimension: innovations & trends

8 of September 2022

🧊 Today we’ll talk about Alternative Investments Manager and its integration with Strategy Manager modules of SimCorp Dimension system. πŸ’‘ In the recent years of low interest rates, the alternative/illiquid investments became tremendously popular. The expected growth within the next 5 [...]

Asset Manager module in SimCorp Dimension: innovations trends

15 of July 2022

It’s hard to find a customer nowadays, who would be not aware of the Asset Manager module in SimCorp Dimension system. It is the latest element in the evolution chain of portfolio management applications: Position Analysis -> Portfolio Manager -> Portfolio Workbench -> Asset [...]

SimCorp Dimension: Investment forecasting trend

17 of June 2022

🧊 The final part of innovation trends in Risk & Forecasting dedicated modules of SimCorp Dimension (SCD) system, presented during #IUCM2022, is available to your attention below. πŸ‘“ Last time we looked at Solvency II regulation solution & related innovations within Dimension (that post [...]